Industry Forum

Virtual Training

Whether you are an organisation large or small in the manufacturing supply chain, Industry Forum has a digitally delivered or, when the time is right, face to face training and support service aligned to your needs. Our experts exist to support and improve the competitiveness of the entire manufacturing business, in contrast to many boutique providers who focus on tools and techniques. As well as designing and leading you through major transformations, we provide detailed training in specialist approaches and the achievement of industry certifications and standards.

We understand the extreme trials faced by the manufacturing industry and are poised to provide the highest quality support and service to meet the exacting standards you require from a provider.

The majority Industry Forum’s training is now available remotely. Our trainer-led courses have been adapted to make them interactive and engaging when delivered digitally, and still provide full certification, sanctioned by the SMMT Oversight office, when completed. We limit the number of delegates on our virtually delivered, instructor-led courses to ensure the same level of learning and contact with the expert trainer that you expect from our face to face courses. 

The same high quality services, training and consultancy – digitally

Find out more about our eLearning programmes

Support when you need it,
how you need it

Our team of experienced experts are available to support you with the challenges of post-COVID manufacturing; be it low volume start up, process operations, line balancing or change management; we are here to support you with your challenges via our sophisticated remote platforms. From quick questions, to extensive start up “on the ground” support, Industry Forum has an expert and a package of support to meet your exacting standards.

Training for four or more?

In addition to our carefully selected courses which are run virtually and attended remotely, we are able to run the majority of our courses, in-house via remote web services.