Industry Forum

Aerospace Manufacturing Courses and Consultancy

Develop, Implement, Sustain

Industry Forum can provide a range of improvement solutions across your entire organisation.  We don’t offer one single standard solution. Instead, our aerospace business consultants get to know your organisation, your people and the environment within which you operate before working with you to find an approach that is tailored to your requirements, meeting your needs and addressing your strategic challenges.

We implement training and consulting programmes, combining expertise across our four capability areas, in a format that matches your business context and resource constraints, delivering the impacts you need and the capability of your team to drive further improvement.

From design right through to implementation we pride ourselves on our ability to transfer the necessary skills to your people and to ensure that you benefit from tangible and sustainable improvements to your business.

Industry Forum proudly supports the industry driven journey towards Zero Defects.

What does IF offer your business?

Leading Expertise

Business Value

Attainable Results

Download our Aero Brochure

Challenges Currently Facing The Sector:

  • Cost pressures will intensify with increasing competition and capability from Indian and Asia-Pacific regions. Suppliers are no longer in a ‘cost plus’ market, but must achieve the globally competitive market price for their commodities, whilst maintaining sustainable margins
  • Delivery performance remains low, 100% On Time in Full capability will be the norm to win new business with no excuses. Customer supply chain teams cannot justify placing more work with suppliers who currently fail to meet delivery dates and cause schedule disruption
  • Quality must be assured, not defects inspected out. Companies need to start thinking ‘Zero Defects’, not just delivering 100% right first time but also preventing any defects from occurring within the manufacturing process
  • Customers are looking for suppliers who can add value through innovative design, technology and services. Companies need to look ahead and develop the ‘future state’ products, processes and relationships to be competitive for the next generation of Aerospace and Defence equipment

IF's Programme of Improvements:

We will help ensure your business becomes more agile and flexible in responding to requirements in terms of volume and mix and more able to develop and launch new products quickly, creating innovative and value added solutions. You’ll be much better placed to compete globally in terms of quality, cost and delivery, while managing consistency and offsetting supply chain risks.

Our consultancy is about helping clients be more competitive and as an affiliate of National Manufacturing Competitiveness Levels (NMCL), we can access funding you can spend on aerospace supply chain improvements through training, coaching and mentoring.

By working closely and collaboratively, Industry Forum will examine and evaluate your systems and processes with an expert and objective pair of eyes, finding the root of any problems which are frequently occurring. We will then implement new, lean strategies to optimise productivity and reduce waste by: 

  1. Adopting best practice operational methods such as 5S workplace organisation, Standard Work in relation to documentation and Line Balancing. This is applied to assembly lines to harness resources to ensure products are delivered on time

  1. Using Value Stream Mapping to maintain profitability and improve productivity whilst streamlining inventory

  1. Developing Lean Supply Chains through product flows in every direction, pooling shared data to reduce costs and waste in the system

  1. Structured problem solving to resolve quality control and operational issues

  1. Setting up and supporting new processes to manage quality standards

  1. Upskilling your team leaders to become supervisors, giving them the insight and enthusiasm they need to identify and solve problems


Joseph Dodd joins the Industry Forum Aerospace team

He joins us from his previous role working at an aerospace systems provider as a Principal Manufacturing Quality Engineer where he delivered training in APQP and PAPP, and the associated core tools, followed by in-house consultancy to assist in the implementation of such techniques, including the development of internal standards and procedures. […]

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