Industry Forum

SMMT were honoured to be invited to attend the 1st Meeting of the Chartered Quality Institute Council in July. Convened in central London we were privileged to input an automotive quality perspective to a fruitful and searching discussion featuring representatives from a variety of disciplines, across public and private sectors.

Focused topics included how to develop culture and capability for quality, improvement and excellence in our economies and organisations; and how to make quality management a strategic tool. The output themes for the day centred on actions to promote the profession map, and to move towards it’s use as a tool to assess team competence and inform capability development.

The CQI is the professional body for experts in improving product, project and service quality. They do so by championing professional standards for quality management in the UK and globally. The CQI was granted Royal Charter in 2006, having demonstrated pre-eminence, public interest, stability and permanence.