Industry Forum

Redundancy Support

Updated 09/09/2020

Over 730,000 jobs have been lost during the coronavirus crisis, to date. For those made redundant, it is a stressful and uncertain time. Finding a new job is particularly challenging as you join large numbers of others competing for less roles.

For those tasked with making redundancies, it can be hard to know how to best support individuals on their onward journey. But there is support available, if you know where to look.

If you are looking at what to do after being made redundant, or if you’re seeking support for outgoing members of your team, Industry Forum has developed a guide to what to do next:

Preparing for redundancy

Before you are made redundant, you could be entitled to time off to attend interviews. You should discuss this with your line manager and review your own company policy.

It is a good idea, during the redundancy consultation process, to seek advice and support regarding managing on a tighter budget. You should list all your outgoings and identify where you might be able to make some savings. If you have loans and credit cards, you can reach out to the Money Advice Service who can put you in touch with free to access debt advice. You should also check if you are entitled to claim benefits. A useful tool for assessing your benefits entitlement can be found at Turn2Us. This will allow you to plan accordingly for the following months.

Help with finding work

Once it has been confirmed that you will be made redundant, you should contact your local Jobcentre Plus and ask to access the “Rapid Response Service” (RRS). This service is dedicated to helping people who have been made redundant to find a new job quickly and may even pay for training. This service is available during your notice period and for up to 13 weeks after you’ve been made redundant.

Through the Rapid Response Service, an individual can have their skills assessed and they may be offered:

  • CV writing support services
  • General information regarding benefits
  • Access to a wide range of existing programmes from Jobcentre Plus and its partners
  • Training for work in quality jobs that are available in the local labour market, and the opportunity to get certificates for previously uncertified skills
  • One-off support to address individual barriers to re-employment linked to specific job offers e.g. tools, travel costs

Training to reskill or compete for roles

Industry Forum is an approved provider of training under the programme, which provides up to £10,000 per candidate for short vocational and occupational training. Training can be offered to claimants who have a job offer or need training to be able to compete for vacancies in their local labour market. The scheme is open to anyone currently unemployed or in their notice period following redundancy consultation. The criteria for claimants is that any training funded must:

  • Be appropriate
  • Have a clear job outcome focus
  • Support vacancies in the local labour market that are either readily available or there are potential vacancies in the occupational area
  • Support the customer’s job goal, as stated on their Jobseekers Agreement (JSAg)

We know that training can help differentiate candidates where hundreds are applying for limited roles. To help those looking for work, Industry Forum has identified a number of its courses which are particularly well suited to those wishing to enter a manufacturing environment for the first time, to gain certification in previously uncertified skills, who wish to apply for a team leader or management role, or wish to apply for roles in a new sector:


In conclusion, if you have been made redundant, are on notice or are looking for ways to support your outgoing team, Industry Forum can provide advice and guidance regarding which of our over 140 courses would be a good match for your aspirations, or to certify the skills.

 Contact us for a confidential discussion.