Industry Forum

The TPM Excellence Awards process is now open until the end of January 2015 for the 2015 awards.

To apply for an award download the 2015 Application Outline and the 2015 Application Form.

If you would like to speak to someone about applying for the Excellence Awards please contact the TPM Assessment office +44 (0)121 717 6619 or email [email protected]


Total Productive Maintenance

TPMmark_130405_RGBThe TPM Awards were established in 1964 in Japan, with the purpose of encouraging development of the manufacturing industry, factories which displayed remarkable achievement in plant maintenance.

Approximately 3,000 plants received TPM Award in Japan and outside Japan over the years.

TPM Awards is under the control of the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM).

In 1989 the TPM Awards were refined to encompass the entire company from the shop floor to the executive boardroom, creating a true companywide commitment to production excellence. As a result, factories which have achieved company-wide efficiency by adopting company-wide TPM are presented with the award.

SMMT Industry Forum Ltd is one of only six worldwide agencies  for the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance, responsible for promoting the development and use of TPM globally.


TPM-ExemplarsTPM Award Winners

Are you thinking of applying for a TPM Excellence Award? Why not see how 10 organisations prepared for their TPM journey and the results that they subsequently enjoyed.

Receive your copy of the TPM Award Winners document