Industry Forum

NMCL and SC21 C&G Programmes with Industry Forum

Many UK automotive and civil aerospace organisations are facing extraordinary challenges to survive, stabilise and thrive in the Post Covid marketplace. If you are an aerospace or automotive supplier (or a customer of these suppliers) there is a funded programme available to support you with industry approved expert providers. The programme will provide the companies involved with £50k – £200k+ of funding to access expertise and will match with time by the Beneficiaries. Funding must be used by March 2022.
The programme, jointly run by Industry Forum’s parent company, The SMMT and ADS, working together for industry, is known as National Manufacturing Competitiveness Levels (NMCL) and SC21 Competitiveness and Growth (SC21 C&G) in the respective sectors. A short capability and customer competitiveness assessment leads to a bespoke implementation programme that supports your needs, with identified business targets and project charters aligned to improvement ‘modules’. Following funding approval, you can then select the providers from the approved list who are the best fit for your organisation to support delivery. The providers you select will then work with you and together to deliver your programme.
Industry Forum is delighted have a long association with the programme, supporting supply chain competitiveness, having led the development of the assessment on behalf of SMMT. Industry Forum also trained the wider Assessor group. We are one of the approved providers, able to support module implementation across the automotive and aerospace sector due to our unrivaled knowledge of the improvement modules. There is no organisation with more in-house capability and experience of the programme or better suited to support you on your journey to improved competitiveness.
Already in the Scheme?

Only when an organisation provides the Lead Assessor role to a company, can they not be a delivery provider to that company. This rule does not apply to the Master Assessor (training others) or Assistant Assessor roles. If Industry Forum was a Master assessor or Assistant Assessor, we are able to provide implementation delivery. Please contact us to discuss how we can support you in getting the most from your journey.


Final Note: Please don’t assume your leadership team are aware of this scheme – please do forward to anyone who could benefit!