Industry Forum

New Product Introduction Essentials

Course Overview

In many ways, you can compare launch excellence to rocket science. Coordination of activities that need to happen at predefined moments and to a certain standard is not an easy task. We offer a solution to overcoming the challenges of launching a new product – a New Product Introduction Essentials course. To get the fundamentals right, companies need to work on a standard approach for launch excellence. Successful implementation would depend on the required skills existing in a cross-functional team. 

Common challenges

  • Implementation of best practices do not necessarily size with business needs
  • Growth targets defined but not necessarily path linking into launch excellence
  • Tools supporting best practice are used but do not provide business benefit
  • One size fits all process does not adapt to different complexity of NPI
  • Erratic quality, cost and delivery performance of product launch

Expected Benefits of this course

  • An understanding of launch excellence model in product lifecycle
  • Understanding the role of each process pillar in delivering launch excellence
  • Understanding of stable foundations linking NPI to business strategy
  • Reflection of current day to day practices in line with launch excellence model

The New Product Introduction Essentials course is suitable for anyone involved in implementing, managing or directing new product launch within an organisation.

The objectives of the New Product Essentials course are designed to give you the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful product launch. The benefits and learning objectives of our NPI courses are:

  • Overview of launch excellence in product lifecycle
  • Understand support of Industry standards related to NPI
  • What do we do well in our current practices for launch excellence?
  • What processes could we look to improve in our practices for launch excellence?

The New Product Introduction Essentials course focusses on two main topics (which break down into sub-topics) – product lifecycle and the NPI pillar model.

An introduction to:

    • Stable foundations for NPI
    • NPI process pillar
    • NPI Project management pillar
    • Design excellence pillar
    • Manufacturing process design pillar
    • Product and Process validation pillar
    • Supply chain readiness pillar

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