Industry Forum

Training and Education

What is the Training and Education Pillar?

Training and Education is the fourth pillar of TPM. It ensures that staff are trained in the skills identified as essential both for their personal development and for the successful deployment of TPM in line with the organisation’s goals and objectives.

How is the Pillar implemented?

Initially the knowledge and skills required for carrying out each job are defined, in terms of both complexity of knowledge needed and the number of capable people required to support the business needs.

A current state analysis assesses the current levels against the established requirements and a training plan is developed to close any gaps. This plan is implemented and evaluated to ensure that the activity generates the improved capabilities targeted.

The pillar team then design, implement and improve a ‘Skill Development System’ to enable on-going development of all employees. As the TPM programme develops, the pillar will expand to cover broader roles and increasingly complex training needs.

What are the benefits of the Pillar?

Increased skills and performance of all personnel throughout the organisation is essential for the successful implementation of TPM. Without a strong Training and Education pillar, the impact of the first three pillars will not be sustainable.

Untapped human potential creates substantial waste within an organisation. Training and Education creates a corporate environment which is able to maximise the potential of all employees and respond positively to the changing business climate, technological advances and management innovation.

Training & Education Pillar Training

Industry Forum offers a Training & Education Pillar 2 day training course delivered by expert practitioners with direct experience of Total Productive Maintenance. For further information, or to book a place on the course, please click here.