Industry Forum

Safety, Health & Environment

What is the Safety, Health and Environment Pillar?

Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) is the final TPM pillar and implements a methodology to drive towards the achievement of zero accidents. It is important to note that this is not just safety related but covers zero accidents, zero overburden (physical and mental stress and strain on employees) and zero pollution.

How is the Pillar implemented?

Although the SHE pillar is the eighth pillar of TPM, it should not be thought of as the last to be deployed. The implementation of SHE strategies occurs throughout the TPM deployment process and SHE activities are never complete.

SHE pillar activities aim to reactively eliminate the root causes of incidents that have occurred, to prevent
reoccurrence, and proactively reduce the risk of future potential incidents by targeting near misses and potential hazards. The pillar team target three key areas: people’s behaviours, machine conditions and the management system. All SHE pillar activities should be aligned to relevant external quality standards and certifications.

What are the benefits of the Pillar?

The immediate benefits of implementing the SHE pillar are to prevent reoccurrence of lost time accidents and reduce the number of minor accidents as well as preventing environmental system failure. This has a direct financial saving in the cost of containment, investigation and compensation as well as reputational impact.

Safety, Health & Environment Pillar Training

Industry Forum offers a Safety, Health & Environment 2 day training course delivered by expert practitioners with direct experience of Total Productive Maintenance. For further information, or to book a place on the course, please click here.