Industry Forum

Autonomous Maintenance

What is Autonomous Maintenance?

Autonomous Maintenance is the second of the eight pillars of TPM. It follows a structured approach to increase the skill levels of personnel so that they can understand, manage and improve their equipment and processes. The goal is to change operators from being reactive to working in a more proactive way, to achieve optimal conditions that eliminate minor equipment stops as well as reducing defects and breakdowns.

How is the Pillar implemented?

The Autonomous Maintenance pillar activity is broken down into three phases and is owned by the team who use the equipment on a daily basis.

The first phase establishes and maintains basic equipment conditions through restoration and eliminating causes of forced deterioration and sources of contamination. Standards are introduced for cleaning, inspection, tightening and lubrication to ensure the conditions are sustained.

The second phase increases the capabilities of the team by training them in the detailed operating principles of the equipment and then improving the standard basic condition.

During the third phase, the operators take total ownership of the equipment as self-directed teams, continuously improving equipment condition and performance to further reduce losses.

What are the benefits of the Pillar?

The deployment of Autonomous Maintenance will improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) by reducing performance loss and increasing equipment availability. In addition there will be measurable improvement to employee engagement and capability levels.

Autonomous Maintenance Pillar Training

Industry Forum offers an Autonomous Maintenance 2 day training course delivered by expert practitioners with direct experience of Total Productive Maintenance. For further information, or to book a place on the course, please click here

Autonomous Maintenance Article

Read our on-line article on Autonomous Maintenance or download the article.