Industry Forum

MasterClass is a structured Process Improvement approach where a team of your employees, led by experienced Industry Forum staff, conduct a practical change event to improve your performance.

The MasterClass structure is based on the four step structure for sustainable process improvement. The activity spans a total period of 4 months and the most intense steps, diagnostic and workshop, utilise a cross-functional team of between 5 and 10 employees.


Industry Forum meet with a small team of your senior managers to assess your specific business needs and determine the best place to start your process improvement programme.

For maximum return on your investment the MasterClass needs to be aligned with your long term business strategy.


Typically there is a two week period before the Diagnostic in which:

  • Industry Forum plan the details of the diagnostic appropriate for your specific needs
  • You finalise the MasterClass team members and collect information for the next step


The team learn about each diagnostic tool being used and under guidance from Industry Forum, analyse data and information from the selected work place. This analysis gives the team a thorough understanding of how the process is currently operating and the gap between current and required operating performance. Goals for the workshop are set and preparations planned.

Check Day

A single day is arranged during the two weeks prior to the workshop for the team to meet and check progress on plans and actions for the next step.

During the preparation period Industry Forum select the specific improvement tools and techniques required to achieve the goals and design a detailed workshop plan to ensure a productive and smooth activity.


During the five day workshop the selected tools and techniques are deployed by the team using the “learn by doing” approach.

The team learns about each tool in a short teach point session, supported by a simple interactive example. The team then deploy the tool they have just learned about, at the point where the process takes place.

The practical deployment of each tool contributes to the performance improvement and ensures that the team members will understand and remember the learning.

Daily reviews assess progress and the workshop concludes with a feedback to the senior team giving a clear account of the tasks undertaken and the benefits gained.

Follow Up Days

Three follow up days are held a monthly intervals and are used to:

  • Assess the sustainability of the workshop activities and any further coaching necessary
  • Develop a plan for replicating and spreading the improvements across your site
  • Work with you to plan the next steps in achieving your long term strategy

Client Reviews


To enquire about this product:

[email protected]

+44 (0)121 717 6600