Industry Forum

VDA QMC 6.3 - Auditing For You

We can perform VDA QMC 6.3 rev3, 2016 audits for you, supporting you with first (internal) and second (suppliers) party audits.

Some reasons why you might like to outsource (subcontract) your audits:

  • There needs to be an independent assessment of your manufacturing process;
  • To increase competencies of your team by pairing them with experienced auditors;
  • You expect new customers and want to check your process (gap analysis) before investing in internal competencies;
  • You don’t have spare resources for internal audits;
  • You want to independently asses your suppliers;
  • German customers do not make up your main customers, therefore, a high expenditure on achieving qualifications does not make for sound investment.


Our auditors will develop, together with you, an audit program that suits your organisation, should it be a one off exercise or a longer cooperation.  This will be crafted individually to your current needs.

If your customer is VW, we will utilise necessary additional VDA-QMC 6.3 audit content as per Formel Q Capability Appendix.

Our team

We have a team of experienced VDA QMC 6.3 auditors, who are also licensed by VDA QMC trainers and IATF witness auditors.

We have years of experience with a variety of manufacturing processes, including forging, casting, welding, machining, a range of painting techniques, galvanic coating, stamping, electronics assembly etc.

How we do it:

  • Plan of audit activities with the client – on site/remote;
  • Develop individual audit agenda – remote;
  • Perform the audit – on site;
  • Discuss findings – on site ;
  • Present report – on site/remote;
  • Support corrective actions definitions (if required);
  • Evaluate effective actions implementation (if required).

Contact us to schedule your audit