September 11, 2015 Industry Forum Blog One of the four stability pillars, T&E is often lost amongst the wealth of more technical information on equipment care and maintenance. But ignore T&E at your peril. It is initially deployed in the TPM journey alongside Focussed Improvement, Autonomous Maintenance and Planned Maintenance in order to improve production efficiency. However, ongoing deployment is a key part in achieving the goal of zero accidents, zero defects and zero breakdowns across the whole organisation. How? This pillar focuses on eliminating the losses caused by inadequate skills. Ongoing deployment of a 6 step methodology produces an organisation wide picture of these losses allowing them to be fully understood, prioritised and actioned. Which skills? Every individual within the organisation needs to be fully trained in their job role. It’s not just the practical skills of equipment operators that are vital in eliminating loss across the company. The managerial, technical and administrative skills for all roles must be raised. What do we get from deploying the pillar? In a nutshell the outcomes of deploying the pillar include systems that will: Continually monitor the training required to meet the long term vision of the company. Set the methodology and standards for a range of training processes. Create effective training plans to maximise the potential of every employee. How do theses outcomes benefit us? They ensure that in a world where technology, materials and competitors are changing at an increasing rate, training for the right skills is continually identified and provided. They allow the company to plan for long term goals such as the calibre of individual employees required at certain times. A thorough Training Needs Analysis results in a company succession plan, individual career plans and personalised training programmes. The resulting training opportunities make employees feel valued and ensure the succession plan is fulfilled internally. Employee turnover is reduced as well as the need for recruitment. They reduce the true costs associated with training. Whilst the first column represents what we typically see as the costs of training in the accounts, the second column shows the true amount. It includes the cost of the losses that occur due to inadequate skills. When the company invests in training programmes that improve peoples’ skills and in turn efficiency in the workplace, the total training cost falls as both losses and recruitment costs reduce. As an added bonus a well structured and documented training process will easily provide the proof required for organisations to comply with various standards and audits such as VDA 6.3 and ISOTS16949. How do I start deployment of T&E? I recommend following the six steps of the T&E pillar used by JIPM. The steps provide a logical approach to getting the most out of your training and education activities. You can find out more about T&E by watching our short video clip or by attending training programmes such as the Industry Forum 2 day T&E course. In my experience the part that most companies struggle with is conducting a company wide Training Needs Analysis as part of step 2. In the next blog I will introduce our Training Needs Analysis Cycle which helps companies conduct this vital groundwork. If you have any further questions about T&E please contact us.