Industry Forum

IF Competitive Assessment

Industry Forum has longstanding experience of delivering gap analysis assessments both against quality management standards and best practice improvement techniques. In 2015 Industry Forum conducted a review on behalf of the SMMT of assessment options to support future sector supply chain development. It was identified that whilst there are many good specialist assessment methodologies there were none that enable an organisation to:

  • Rapidly understand its business capability across all areas in a holistic manner
  • Give clear linkage between capability and improvements in competitiveness to customers
  • Provide direct alignment between activities undertaken and the impacts on financial performance (and versus financial benefits that would have happened anyway)
  • Develop a staged implementation roadmap so that activities are conducted in the right sequence for maximum impact.

In response to the learnings, Industry Forum developed the Industry Forum Competitiveness Assessment process.

6 Dimensional Model:

Quality, Delivery, Cost, Flexibility, Technology & Product, Customer Experience

The capability assessment element, normally conducted over two days, identifies the strengths and opportunities against best practice across the organisation from strategy and organisation, through product introduction and manufacturing as well as supply chain planning and management. It also incorporates themes such as social responsibility and environmental improvement.  The assessment separates the Foundation activities required to establish business stability from Progressive activities that drive competitive advantage. Crucially, while designed to meet the needs of companies at all levels in the supply chain and to be sector neutral, the assessors are able to identify the improvement opportunities that should be the focus in the context of the specific business, not just to increase the assessment points score.

The Competitiveness assessment phase identifies the current and future target performance of the organisation against six dimensions – Quality, Delivery, Cost, Flexibility, Technology & Product, Customer Experience. With a similar self-assessment review process conducted by the organisation and assessor led (anonymised feedback) reviews with customers the key improvement drivers are identified. This ensures that activities are directly focussed to evidenced competitiveness improvement requirements, avoiding focus on areas that will not drive impact.

The assessment provides a repeatable approach to link the competitiveness self-assessment, customer assessments and the capability assessment to develop a Workstream activity plan ensuring all training and support identified has direct business impact potential. A simple financial assessment model is also developed to enable the financial impacts of implementing activity to be measured and the return on investment (financial and time) to be validated.

Our experienced assessor team uses this unique assessment programme to guide senior leaders to rapidly develop transformation and improvement roadmaps with clear links between activities and business competitiveness.

In addition to using the assessment to review single organisations, the Industry Forum Competitiveness Assessment has also been successfully used to underpin national level programmes, both in the UK and abroad to develop sector supply chains. Assessment of success is identified based on the combination of improvement to capability, improved customer competitiveness perception and financial impacts delivered.

Case Study – World Bank and Vietnam Supplier Development Programme

Industry Forum has been working on a major supplier development programme in Vietnam. Alongside World Bank Group and the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade, the main objective of the programme is to help Vietnamese suppliers to become more competitive and able to supply products to multinational enterprises.

Industry Forum has been involved in both the selection and assessment of beneficiary companies to identify where improvements should be made to directly impact their competitiveness. Once the assessment has been made using the Industry Forum Competitiveness Assessment, Industry Forum provides expert consultants and trainers to work strategically with these companies to deliver tangible improvements. Beneficiary companies unanimously agree that the programme and assessment is well designed and delivers extensive benefits to all the organisations involved. The project has been featured on Ho Chi Minh City TV’s Towards Sustainable Industry Programme.

The tried and tested Industry Forum competitiveness assessment approach and our supplier development programme model is suitable for any organisation and has been used in several territories with brilliant success.

If you are interested in licensing the Industry Forum competitiveness assessment for your company, region or territory, please contact us.