Industry Forum

Business Performance Assessments

The first indication of problems for organisations is often when things go wrong. Issues with productivity or profitability can be symptoms with complex root causes. Industry Forum will help you to identify where your challenges and opportunities lie. Since its foundation in 1996, Industry Forum has been using its experience in delivering gap analysis activities to help organisations diagnose and plan for improved competitiveness, productivity, profitability and growth. 

Our scaleable, tiered approach to Business Performance Assessments provides a performance analysis of each element of your buiness. Our assessments can cover the extendend value stream, providing a unique view of from supplier to customer. This approach enables you to focus your efforts where they will deliver the most impact. 

Our tried and tested methodology is proven to improve:

Safety, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Flexibility, Product and Customer Experience (CX), which we believe to be the pillars of competitiveness.

We get provide a blend of assessment techniques to best fit your needs, including; Data and process analysis, Gemba walks, team and customer interviews. The output is tangible, and measurable real-world solutions that drive profits, maximise efficiencies and ultimately deliver value where it matters to your customers.

When a Business Performance Assessment is most useful:



Increase in quality issues, high defect rates, increased customer returns and complaints



Spiralling cost of production, unviable unit price, unsustainable pressures on margin, profitability concerns, breakdowns and maintenance downtime



Problems delivering On-Time in Full. Issues with packaging, ease of load, accuracy,  documentation & labeling. Challenges with returnable packaging



Issues with response times and inventory strategy. Lack of ability to handle changes in product mix, or volumes within planning horizon



Issues with direct and indirect value, product or process innovation, technical capability or intellectual properly management

Customer Experience

Customer Experience

Increased complaints, customer service issues

Imagine your organisation historically has a customer return rate of 1%; your organisation prides itself on customer satisfaction with the quality of your product – your KPI is set and reviewed on a weekly basis to ensure your return rate doesn’t increase, however, unknown to you, your competition’s return rate is 0.5%. In fact, your brilliant returns rate is 50% below the benchmark. 

Customers are likely to prefer your competitor and you may never know the reason why, as your KPIs are internal and not external-focussed or based on market intelligence.