Industry Forum

Implementing Autonomous Maintenance

Course Overview

Autonomous Maintenance (AM) is the most distinctive feature of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), and for many the hardest to implement as it involves changes in culture, roles and responsibilities.
It has two fundamental aims, the restoration and maintenance of equipment in optimum condition and the development of production team skills and engagement, leading to increased equipment reliability. This workshop will demonstrate the importance of Autonomous Maintenance and give you a proven process to implement Autonomous Maintenance in your plant and increase equipment reliability and performance.

Primarily aimed at operations leaders and plant managers wishing to implement Autonomous Maintenance in their plants, the workshop will also be of interest to engineering and maintenance leaders introducing or supporting TPM processes.

Upon completion of the course you will receive an Industry Forum Certificate of Attendance.In partnership with the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance, IF can also offer a Certified Autonomous Maintenance Practitioner qualification, following implementation of a pilot project and a written examination set and marked by JIPM.

Attendees will gain an understanding of the purpose of Autonomous Maintenance, its function within TPM and how to introduce the process to a plant. Those struggling with AM implementation will gain insights into the keys to successful implementation.

  • Autonomous Maintenance (AM) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness
  • Forced Deterioration and Chronic Losses
  • AM Steps 1-3: Restore, Improve, Maintain
  • One Point Lessons and Visual Management
  • The Role of Maintenance in AM
  • Training for AM
  • Implementing AM

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