Industry Forum


Industry Forum’s eLearning programs consist of a number self-directed, bite-sized modules, providing key, basic information, and are an ideal starting point for employees with little, or no existing knowledge in the subject area, and who want a flexible approach to training.

eLearning: IF's Bite size, self directed online courses:

Employees can build their own personalised learning path by combining any of the individual modules, or alternatively they can be taken as a complete ‘e-course’. On purchasing each module, or the entire course, individuals will be granted unlimited access to the content for 12 months.

For those with more experience, our virtual training is instructor-led and provides a similar experience to face-to-face courses, while reducing the effort and cost of learning for the employer.

Fully Certified Self Directed Study Programmes:

Supply Chain Self Study Courses:

Why choose eLearning with SMMT QMD?

A recent study showed that 94% of people prefer to learn at their own speed. SMMT QMD, one of only five IATF approved training providers globally, has been on an exacting process to make sure its modules are interesting, engaging and a valuable experience. The course offers complete flexibility, allowing delegates to learn what they want, when they want, where they want, all at a pace they feel comfortable with.
For HR and learning & development managers, this delivery method means you no longer need to focus on the cost and administrative burden of trying to get lots of people into traditional learning settings and opens up training to a wider audience than you would usually be able to achieve with classroom based methods.