Industry Forum

Last Update: 30 July 2021

Visitor and External Premises COVID-19 Policy



We have undertaken COVID-19 risk assessments for all our operations. In line with government guidelines, we are in a phased return to work where our team will be working either at home, at our office and at client premises. Please be assured that our email and phonelines continue to be monitored and we are responding to enquires during our usual office hours of 8:30am – 4-30pm. We are continuing to offer customers support virtually where practical. Where this is not practical please see the following guidance in relation to i) visitors attending the SMMT IF offices and ii) our staff working on external premises.

Visitor Policy (IF Office, Birmingham)

We are operating in line with the latest Government guidance on social distancing. We ask that you be mindful that others may still be adjusting to the changes within social distancing or may need to minimise their exposure risk and who would therefore wish to continue to maintain a 2m distance.

Staff and visitors that are attending the office or moving about for work are strongly encouraged to take a government provided Lateral Flow test twice per week and report the results as required.

People may choose to wear a face covering if they wish to do so.

You are also encouraged to check in on our QR code when entering the building

You MUST NOT attend the office if you have recent onset of any symptoms of coronavirus such as;

    • A new continuous cough
    • A high temperature
    • A loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

If you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, OR you have received a positive coronavirus (COVID-19) test result, the clear medical advice is to immediately self-isolate at home for at least 10 days from when your symptoms started. Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. You should arrange to have a test to see if you have COVID-19 symptoms which can be arranged by contacting the NHS, here.

You should consider alerting anyone you have had close contact within the last 48 hours to let them know you have symptoms of COVID-19. If close contacts include people you have interacted with on SMMT IF premises or SMMT IF staff members, please inform the SMMT IF Health and Safety Officer Leanne Brend.

Please do not attend the office if:

    • You are directed to self-isolate by the NHS Test and Trace Service.
    • You have travelled from a country which requires you to quarantine in the last 14 days prior to attendance on site.
    • You have travelled from a country where you are required to self-isolate on arrival and this period has not yet expired.

 Attending the SMMT IF Office and Learning Centre

Attendance at the SMMT IF Office and Learning Centre must be pre-agreed with your host or via booking a training course; please do not turn up unannounced. You may be asked to arrive at certain times so we can respect social distancing on entry to the office. Please try to adhere to your time wherever possible. If you are unable to meet your slot or are running late, please contact the office on +44 (0)121 717 6600.

On arrival at the SMMT IF Office and Learning Centre, we advise all visitors to check in on our QR code when entering the building. There is also a hygiene station which we encourage you to use throughout the day. Throughout the building there are hygiene stations at strategic points e.g. on entrance to Learning Centre, in break out areas. We advise wearing additional clothing layers in cooler weather as windows and doors may be opened to allow fresh air circulation.

We will be limiting the number of people attending training courses on site to ensure we can maintain government guidelines. Delegates will be allocated a table for the duration of the training. Additional training rooms have been opened where possible to allow for social distancing for those still adjusting to the changes during your breaks. Cleaning wipes are placed by communal refreshment points.

If you have any concerns, please let your host know and they will contact the appropriate member of staff to discuss your concerns with you.

Our staff working on Customer and other external sites

In line with Government advice, activities may take place in person or virtually. Site based activities can only take place subject to national and regional restrictions. No international site activity is currently possible but may be conducted virtually. Any agreed onsite activity will require agreed COVID secure processes to be completed, agreed by the client and IF.

IF Requirements for Working on Customer Premises:

  1. The client must demonstrate they have processes in place to protect against COVID in line with current guidelines and they are adhered to. See below for further information on these.
  2. Activity can only take place in enclosed meeting rooms where there is ventilation
  3. Please respect our consultant’s wishes if they choose to maintain social distancing and/or wear face coverings

Our staff are instructed not to attend company sites if they have COVID-19 symptoms and are instructed to be tested in line with government guidelines. Our staff will not attend customer and other external sites if they are directed to self-isolate as a result of NHS Test and Trace and may also be self-isolating if contacted by the Covid app.

We will inform the company if a member of staff who has attended their site subsequently has symptoms of, or is confirmed to have, COVID-19. This will be undertaken in line with PHE guidelines.

Prior to agreeing to attend customer and other external sites we will request to see your COVID-19 policies and procedures in place.

Our staff are instructed to comply with all the COVID-19 arrangements of the site they are attending including hygiene and social distancing measures.

Our staff are supplied with anti-bac products and face coverings, should they choose to wear them.

Our staff who are travelling on work related reasons are encouraged to regularly use lateral flow tests to minimise risk.



Visitor and External Premises Co-vid 19 Policy                                             Rev 7.0 (23/07/2021)