Industry Forum

As the complexity of automotive projects has increased exponentially over the last 20 years, we’ve witnessed a seismic shift from the once emphasis on mechanical challenges to those born from mechanical parts being required to work in harmony under the influence of increasingly complex software systems. A single modern luxury vehicle now can integrate as many as 150 Electronic Control Units (ECUs). Not only that, but there is a growing customer focus and expectation of comfort, safety and infotainment systems; all of which are factors that force the automobile industry to change its development process and focus.
In response to this shift, an internationally accepted process model, Automotive SPICE®, was developed by experts. The standard defines the processes and best practices for software and software based system development, specifically for the automotive industry. The model provides a well defined guideline for how to organise project work and how to make sure those projects are manageable. It enables companies to improve processes either for themselves or for their suppliers. Automotive SPICE® is used by many OEMs and suppliers as a means of qualifying their suppliers, as well as assessing the risks associated with those suppliers. Often, they are required to achieve a certain capability level in selected processes, even before winning a contract. Reaching the level is checked through performing assessments.
If you want to, or already deal with customers organised within the VDA, you should understand, implement, and follow Automotive SPICE® as the standard process model. Industry Forum is the only Training provider in the UK to run open courses, so if you would like to know more about Automotive SPICE® and how the standard can be successfully implemented in your organisation, why not book on one of our upcoming courses?

Who should attend?

This course is best suited to personnel wanting to understand the Automotive SPICE® assessment process, personnel in process groups, process and project managers responsible for complying with Automotive SPICE® processes. It’s suitable for professionals and executives in engineering and IT, process managers, project managers, system and software engineers, consultants, and quality managers from companies of all sizes.