Industry Forum

Vision & Strategy Deployment

Introduction to strategy deployment

Deploying a vision and strategy across a business, large or small, is often very challenging. Many companies develop great strategies but the most common point of failure is poor deployment – why? Because strategy deployment is difficult. For over 20 years, Industry Forum has been helping manufacturers deploy their strategies across entire organisations to deliver results through an aligned and engaged workforce.

Our step-by-step approach to strategy deployment allows leadership teams and senior managers to take strategies from conception and make them a reality. We do this by:

  • Making sure the strategy is well described with a common understanding
  • Understanding potential organisational and cultural resistances and managing them
  • Implementing communication strategies and plans to effectively deploy at every level
  • Developing and implementing performance measurement and management practices
  • Ensuring the organisation is structured to deliver – Right people, right roles
  • Engagement of functional leaders and their teams to help them understand and translate strategy into action
  • Implementing a robust deployment governance framework, tools and structure to ensure a connected cadence throughout the entire organisation

What we cover

1. Developing a common understanding of the strategy
  • Ensuring the whole Senior Leadership Team have a common understanding of the vision and strategy for the company – Creating leadership consensus and alignment
2. Understanding organisational and cultural resistances
  • What has been the companies history of driving change or initiatives?
  • Is there any history that might make adoption of the strategy difficult?
  • Are there key stakeholders that may be resistant?
  • Developing strategies and actions to disable resistance
  • Change management planning
3. Developing a comprehensive communication plan
  • What should we communicate to who, when and how should we do it?
  • Helping to engage and empower functional teams to understand and contribute
  • Using communication to disable resistance
  • Communication as part of the fabric for running the business
4. Organisational capability
  • If the organisation structured to deliver – clarity of roles and responsibilities, resources aligned to priorities
  • Having the right skills in the right places – are our people capable of doing what we need them to do?
  • Developing workforce capability to deliver
5. Deployment governance
  • Performance measurement and management –KPIs, accountability, reporting structures and disciplines, objective cascade
  • Roles and responsibilities in deployment
  • Management practices – Meetings organisation, visual management, driving action
  • On-going monitoring, control and corrective action

Expected Benefits

  • Leadership team alignment
  • Overcoming organisational/cultural resistance
  • Strong team and individual engagement
  • Performance driven culture
  • Clarity of expectation – by department by role
  • Regular and transparent reporting, control and corrective action
  • Measurement of results and delivery

Customer comments

On average rated 9/10 by clients