Industry Forum

Toyota and SMMT Industry Forum to co-host one-day workshop, free-of-charge for senior executives, to examine ways of improving UK manufacturing productivity

Manufacturing businesses in sectors such as aerospace, nuclear and medical devices are invited to attend a workshop that will give a rare insight into methods proven by the automotive industry to improve productivity.

The one-day event, at the Toyota Engine Plant, Deeside (see maps) on 11th May 2018, is to be co-hosted by the Toyota Lean Management Centre, widely acknowledged as a world leader in manufacturing productivity, and the SMMT (Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders) Industry Forum, which provides consultancy and training to help transform manufacturing competitiveness in many diverse industries. Experts from both organisations will share lessons learned in automotive manufacturing that are transferable to diverse industries.  

The Industry Forum’s chief executive, Dr. Chris Owen, said: “At a time when we keep hearing how British productivity is lagging behind international competitors, the automotive sector is reaching out to other UK manufacturing sectors to show that productivity doesn’t have to be a puzzle. We are inviting chief executives and managing directors from other manufacturing businesses to gain a deeper understanding of how to deliver productivity improvements by examining their own beliefs and looking at methods underpinning Toyota’s world-class operational performance.”

The workshop will encourage senior executives to examine and challenge their own beliefs about productivity; consider conditions necessary for success; gain a deeper understanding of the concepts of Challenge, Kaizen, Genchi-Butsu, team-work, and respect; and examine the application of knowledge to different productivity scenarios.

Workshop attendance is free but Toyota and Industry Forum suggest that participating companies make a donation to the Toyota Charitable Trust upon receipt of an invitation.