Industry Forum

Vision and Strategy Development

Introduction to strategy Development

Industry Forum uses a collaborative approach which combines proven strategic theory with pragmatic tools and techniques that enable companies to develop, plan and implement successful strategies that deliver increased competitiveness. Specifically tailored for small and medium sized manufacturers, our experts will take you step-by-step through a sequence of workshops that focus heavily on converting strategy into action with underpinning change management practices and solid leadership governance.

Our approach is adaptable and scalable, allowing senior leaders to steer their team to successful strategy deployment in different situational contexts, such as:

  • Validating an existing company strategy or company situation and provide fresh insights
  • Transforming a complete business or function within a business which is under-performing
  • Creating a new company or functional vision and develop, plan and implement an effective supporting strategy
  • When a business is at a critical juncture, facing inevitable change or increasing pressure, but is uncertain how to respond

What we cover

Our proven 4 step approach covers the following activities:

  • Leadership team perspective – how capable is the business, what are the priorities and how aligned are the leadership team?
  • Understanding which products are made and which markets are served – how do you measure up to the competition?
  • Understanding the product lifecycle and your biggest opportunities and threats
  • Understanding external factors and how they are likely to influence your company
  • How to make the most of the capabilities you have
  • Setting the vision
  • Developing your strategic objectives – the key things you must get right
  • What could be possible for our business
  • Generating the very best creative ideas
  • Prioritising and selecting the very best ideas to take forward
  • Developing strategic imperatives and themes – structuring your strategy
  • Creating the strategy roadmap – establishing the logical connected sequence of activities over the next 3-5 years
  • Understanding what to measure and – key performance indicators that drive progress
  • Developing the annual planning tables, objectives, actions and measures
  • Creating the strategic governance process for your business – setting cadence, measuring and driving progress
  • Change management planning – disabling potential organisational resistance, communications, reinforcement, cultural considerations, learning, reward & recognition

Expected Benefits

  • Unbiased and holistic view of the current company situation
  • Leadership team alignment around key business priorities
  • Creates the climate and space for free thinking and creativity
  • Systematic approach to discovering the best possible “game-changers”
  • Engages the team for true ownership and effective deployment cascade

Customer comments

On average rated 9/10 by clients