Industry Forum

Industry Forum will be holding a Total Productive Maintenance Seminar on 21st June 2013 at the Industry Forum Learning Centre, Birmingham, UK.

The seminar is designed for Senior Management, Functional Managers (e.g. Maintenance, Quality, Safety) and change agents (e.g. Lean, TPM) who are embarking on TPM implementation within their organisations. The seminar is designed to give delegates an appreciation of the “Pillar” approach to TPM, demonstrating how TPM can be used to recognise and reduce losses, delivering sustainable business improvement.

The seminar will cover:

  • What TPM is, how it will align to your business strategy and other improvement initiatives such as Lean
  • The pillars of TPM and how they can drive the elimination of losses
  • How to deploy TPM within your organisation

The seminar will include teach points, interactive discussions and case study examples of TPM deployment as well as the opportunity to network.

The cost for the seminar is £95+VAT, inclusive of lunch, refreshments and access to the seminar materials. The seminar will be held at Industry Forum Learning Centre, Birmingham on the 4th April 2013, starting with registration at 8.30am and finishing at 1.15pm. Places are strictly limited and allocated on a first come first served basis.

To register visit or contact Stacie Dicken using the information provided below.

For further information about the TPM Seminar 2013:


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